It caused a small blast that blew out some windows 一些窗户因爆炸而被炸碎。
Some people ' s american dreams were also blasted 一些人的美国梦也被炸碎了
Something blew out the windows , but fromhe inside 有东西炸碎了玻璃,但却是在里面爆炸的
The missile had blown the battleship asunder 炮弹把战舰炸碎了。
The shopper is showered with broken glass from the explosion 炸碎的玻璃劈头盖脸地落到购物顾客的身上。
Very interesting bomber games key to control movement of key mobile space , planted mines and players after points oh , the explosion of a very slow , broken bricks bombing treasures will be out 非常有意思的炸弹人游戏,方向键控制移动,空格键移动,埋下雷之后跑远点噢,这个爆炸的时间很慢,炸碎砖头还会有宝物出来呢!
Introduction : very interesting bomber games key to control movement of key mobile space , planted mines and players after points oh , the explosion of a very slow , broken bricks bombing treasures will be out 非常有意思的炸弹人游戏,方向键控制移动,空格键移动,埋下雷之后跑远点噢,这个爆炸的时间很慢,炸碎砖头还会有宝物出来呢!