Shading is applied to the drawing by crayon or spray . 晕渲是通过炭笔或喷射的方法应用于地图绘制的。
A sketch or drawing made with this charcoal 炭笔画用这种炭笔画成的速描或画
Nello was drawing on a clean smooth board of pine wood with a piece of charcoal 尼洛则正用一根炭笔在一块平滑的松木板上作画。
A versatile artist mr lam uses traditional media , such as oil , acrylic , charcoal , and pencil , as well as various untraditional materials , such as nails , sand , and plywood , to produce a variety of beautiful and thought - provoking pieces 林先生的作品从思考个人到人文及文化之间的关系,风格多样,主要以混合媒介木沙炭笔塑胶彩及油彩等作平面处理。