Should not fry a stock in the school at all 根本就不应该在学校炒股票。
He took a running jump at stock exchange and make no money on it 他急急地去炒股票,一点钱也没赚到。
There are lots you can do , and can probably make more money 你去炒股票,或去开一间铺头,可能都较有前途。
There are lots you can do , and can probably make more money 你去炒股票,或去开一间铺头,可能都较有前途。
Knowing history is not going to make me richer , i ' d rather learn to speculate in the stock market , many would predictably say so 好多人这么说:学历史帮不了我赚大钱,学它干吗?不如学学怎样炒股票。
" knowing history is not going to make me richer , i ' d rather learn to speculate in the stock market , " many would predictably say so 好多人这么说:学历史帮不了我赚大钱,学它干吗?不如学学怎样炒股票。
Want to learn to operate skill and operation method , especially the skill that most person has not mastered analyses skill . 2 (炒股票入门知识炒股入门炒股票入门) 1 .要学会操作技巧和操作方法,尤其是多数人还没把握的技术分析技巧。
Mr wu , whose father was a stockbroker , said , " i was young and not interested in speculation at that time . but because of my father , i knew something about the carrian case 父亲是股票经纪的胡先生说:那时候我还年轻,对炒股票一点兴趣也没有,不过因为爸爸的关系,对佳宁事件都略知一二。