| 1. | It was early autumn--sunny, dusty, marvellous . 当时正是初秋--阳光四射,灰蒙蒙的,非常美妙。 |
| 2. | The sky was overcast . 天色灰蒙蒙的。 |
| 3. | The sky was grey, with a band of white on the eastern horizon . 天灰蒙蒙的,东方地平线上透出一缕白光。 |
| 4. | It was still raining outside in the street: a mild, gray, endless rain . 外面街道上,雨仍在下着:细细的、灰蒙蒙的、无止境的雨。 |
| 5. | The evening was pitch-dark, stars and the moon were quenched in gray rain-clouds . 这天晚上,黑咕隆咚的星星和月亮都被灰蒙蒙的雨云盖住了。 |
| 6. | The early housewives passed him under the pale hazy sky, carrying bulging sacks . 天空灰蒙蒙的,早起的家庭主妇挎着鼓鼓的袋子从他身旁走过。 |
| 7. | His skin was now quite black, and he would just be a dark blur on a dark background . 他那黑黑的身体在灰蒙蒙的背景映衬下,不过是个模糊的黑点而已。 |
| 8. | Ahead of her, the street of grey mean little houses crawled endlessly . 在她前面,街道两旁歪歪扭扭地排列着破烂不堪的灰蒙蒙的小房子,一眼望不到头。 |
| 9. | The miles of grey squalor she had travelled through were now the hazy and luminous city . 她走过的绵延几英里长的灰蒙蒙的肮脏的建筑物现在变成了一座朦胧中灯火辉煌的城市。 |
| 10. | The gray mist of evening, rising slowly from the river, enveloped her as she disappeared up the bank . 她一上岸之后,就完全消失在从河中慢慢升腾起来的灰蒙蒙的晚雾之中了。 |