Hawthorne attempts to dissociate himself from the headlong calamity which he, too, records . 霍桑企图将自己与他所描写的灭顶大灾分开。
When i was almost gone and able to struggle no longer, i found myself within my depth; and by this time the storm was much abated . 当我再也挣扎不下去,快要完蛋时,我觉得水深已经不能灭顶了,这时风暴也大大减弱。
I thought i was going to sink with my car 我以为,这下我会连人带车一起灭顶。
I swam across the river at the risk of losing my life 我冒着灭顶的危险游过了那条河。
And by no means should you try to go against the tide and swim back to shore 而且千万别试图逆着潮水往岸上游,那会使你筋疲力竭而可能遭到灭顶。
As a mother , wife , professional , campaign wife , whatever it is that ' s on my plate , i ' m drowning 身为母亲、妻子、职业妇女、助选老婆,一大堆工作要做,我快灭顶了,但根本没有人谈起这些问题。
Life is like the waves there are always ups and downs , you cannot stop or prevent it but you can learn how to be calm and surf smoothly on it 人生的过程也像冲浪,我们也无法阻止人生的大起大落,但我们可以学习如何在风浪中保持冷静,并顺势而行,避免自己惨遭灭顶。
She wrote " lullaby " in approximently 30 minutes on the 1st pokemon soundtrack while using the name mandah , willa released a song on the 1st pokemon soundtrack . " i m not a cheerleader 这是个音乐分众的时代,而且是个特立独行的时代,想要高人一等并在偶像潮流里不被灭顶,还能挺立其上可真不是件容易的事