In all types of soil , lateritic red earth covered over 70 % of the total area , ranking first 水稻土有较长耕作历史,并已形成了潜育层和潴育层,但土壤肥力并不高。
The urinary retention is mainly caused by obstruction of the urethra near the prostate because of urethral stricture . the prostatitis usually occurs in younger men but bph or prostate cancer usually occurs in old men 前列腺尿道段狭窄,梗阻是引起排尿障碍,尿潴溜的主要原因,年轻人多见于前列腺炎症,老年人多见于前列腺增生和前列腺癌。
The harm of the urinary obstruction and the urinary retention may results in relapsing urinary tract infections and kidney function damage , even kidney function prostratedt , at last endangering the patients life 随着平均寿命的延长,前列腺癌的患病率也在增高。排尿障碍尿潴溜的危害可以导致反复尿路感染肾功能损害,直到肾功能衰竭,危及病人生命。
The early stage of bph can bring frequent urination , especially serious frequent urination in night , and will happen gently urinary hesitation , urinate with powerful abdomen force , urination weakness , thin stream of urine or urine bifurcate , dripping wet , urinary incontinence , even retention of urine 早期为尿频尤其是夜尿增多逐渐出现排尿踌躇,增加腹压排尿,排尿无力,尿流变细分叉,以致淋漓不尽,急性尿潴溜或尿失禁。
That favorable water environment benefited , not only by the rather large percentage of forest cover with quite strong capacity of water conservation in mountain areas , but also by the comparatively lower gravity of soil erosion in the loess plateau in the middle and lower yellow river basin while numerous lakes and swamps still existed at that time and maintained a huge water storage 中古华北之所以仍能保持良好的水环境,并非由于彼时降水远比后代丰富,而是因为山区森林植被仍然良好,具有较强的水源涵蓄能力;黄土高原水土流失不甚严重,黄河决溢移徙较少、危害较轻,湖泊沼泽尚未因泥沙淤填而致大量消亡,可以潴积巨量的水源。
The results showed that the fine structure of the photoreceptor , the diameter of rhabdom , the dimension of perirhabdom vacuole , the number of pinocytotic vesicle below the microsvilli , the location of pigment granules , the emergence of lamellar bodies and lysosomes in cytoplasm , were different in light and dark adaptation 结果显示在感杆束的直径、膜下潴泡囊的体积、微纤毛基部的胞饮泡数量、色素颗粒的位置以及有无脂滴、板膜体和溶酶体等细胞器方面,光适应和暗适应的光感受器有着明显的差异。