It is ebb and flow , tidal gravity . it is ecological balance 这是潮涨潮落、重力潮汐是生态平衡!
1 sunday = sports . it ' s like the full moon or the changing of the tides . let it be 第一条:就像月圆月缺、潮涨潮落一样,星期日=运动。顺其自然吧。
I recognize that just as larger trends ebb and flow , the people s mood will rise and fall 正如大势的潮涨潮落,我明白人们的情绪也会有波动起伏。
Watching the magnificent view of the ebb and flow of the tides fills me with an inure contentment that i find nowhere else 观看壮观的潮涨潮落景色使我感到一种在其他地方感受不到的内心的满足。
In asia time is more like the rhythm of the waves , the ebb and flow of hourly , daily , annual and historical cycles 在亚洲人的心目中,时间犹如潮水,潮涨潮落,日复一日,年复一年,周而复始,生生不息。
The existence of the asymmetrical residual transverse circulation flows in pair is discovered in the residual vorticity field along the passage and sandbank cross section . the transverse residual circulation flow is favorable to sediment ' s moving to the peak of sandbank and the development and maintenance of sandbank 首次发现,在潮涨潮落过程中,深槽中及沙脊两侧均存在一组方向相反、不对称余涡度场(余环流场) ,横向余环流的存在将有利于沙脊两侧的泥沙均向沙脊顶运动和堆积,是潮流沙脊的形成和维持重要动力因素。
On april 13 , 2005 , the principal of the negotiable securities surveillance management committee declared that we have enough preparation to try to solve the problem of the stockholder ' s rights minute sets 。 during the 13 years , china ’ stock market is up and down , experiencing the unprecedented highest tide as well as the lowest one . particularly , in order to solve situation of “ alone is big ” , the heated debate was held in the circle of academy 我国的股权分置走过了历时13年的时间,在13年的时间里,中国股市潮涨潮落,股市既有历史以来的最高水平也经历了中国股市最惨淡的状况,尤其是为了解决国有股“一股独大”的状况,在学界宣起了大讨论。