| 1. | That's what has impoverished him, eh ? 这是不是弄得他穷愁潦倒的原因? |
| 2. | The old man seemed dejected and spiritless . 那老汉显出一副垂头丧气的潦倒相。 |
| 3. | She was left without a penny . 她已到了贫困潦倒的地步。 |
| 4. | He himself was sick and sore . 他自己病愁潦倒。 |
| 5. | They had turned away from the centre of the dreary tobacco town . 他们刚离开那潦倒的烟草镇市中心。 |
| 6. | It was because he lacked an education that he had done so poorly . 他所以一直潦倒,完全因为过去没有受过教育。 |
| 7. | The harried magazinist appeared as the tragic young aristocrat . 给杂志写稿的潦倒文人,成了悲剧性的年轻贵族。 |
| 8. | The history of painting was full of artists who had earned nothing at all . 绘画史上到头来不名分文穷愁潦倒的艺术家俯拾皆是。 |
| 9. | He had been bogged down by a series of missed opportunities and plain bad luck . 他始终没走过运。几次错失良机,落得潦倒不堪。 |
| 10. | I should like to die miserable, poor, and starving, without a friend . 我真希望死的时候贫困潦倒,饥寒交迫,一个亲人也不在身边。 |