国际合作防止逃税漏税指导方针: guidelines for international cooperation against the evasion and avoidance of taxes
Example Sentences:
The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud . 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。
They have the power and ability to avoid paying taxes without fear of government reprisal . 他们有权力和办法逃漏税而不必害怕政府的惩罚。
Those who evade tax will be punished by the law 偷税漏税者将受到法律制裁。
Tax evasion is also a crime 偷税漏税也是一种犯罪。
The evade taxation is to show taxpayer is undesigned not the behavior of capture or imposition of little capture 漏税是指纳税人并非故意未缴或则少缴税款的行为。
Of more new company , how to handle this issue excuse me , whether to involve evade taxation problem or other issue 更为新公司的,请问如何处理这个问题,是否涉及漏税问题或其他问题?
Today , it ' s little uncommon that people litter , evade taxes , make unlawful noises and drive in an anarchic state 如今,人们随手乱扔垃圾、逃税漏税、发出违禁噪声,以及开车时表现出来的无政府状态,可谓是司空见惯。
Yet , when it comes to respecting the rights of a mass of anonymous individuals , we might not be so responsible 尽管大多数人不会偷装有50美元的钱包,但他们可能并不在乎偷税漏税,因为偷税漏税并不伤害具体的某一个人。
Where big countries do seem to be able to agree is in objecting to small tax havens that make life easy for cheats , particularly individuals 各个大国在反对小型避税港问题上尚能达成共识,那里是逃税漏税的乐土,个体纳税人在此尤为快活。
That bitch , that english whore , did for him , the shebeen proprietor commented . she put the first nail in his coffin . - fine lump of a woman , all the same , the soi - disant town - clerk , henry campbell remarked , and plenty of her “都是那条母狗,那个英国婊子213要了他的命, ”偷卖漏税酒的店老板说, “是她把第一颗钉子钉进他的棺材的。 ”