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English translation for "满脸汗水"

one's face was bathed in sweat

Related Translations:
成功的汗水:  the sweat of success
假脸:  the mask
擦脸:  dry one
单面脸:  solo faces
孩儿脸:  crushed strawberry red
脸宽:  width
脸白的:  bald-faced
背靠背脸对脸:  back to back, face to face
凹脸蝠:  hog-nosed batslit-faced bat
蒙头盖脸:  with one's face covered [veiled]; cover one's head and face
Example Sentences:
1.Don t ye be nervous , my dear good soul , expostulated , between his coughs , a young man with a wet face , and his straw hat so far back upon his head that the brim encircled it like the nimbus of a saint
“不要紧张,我亲爱的好姑娘, ”一个满脸汗水的年轻男子一边咳嗽一边劝她说,他把草帽扣在后脑勺上,围绕脑袋的帽沿就像是圣灵头上的光环。
Similar Words:
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