[ tāotāo ] 1.(大水滚滚) surging; torrential; billowy 短语和例子 白浪滔滔 whitecaps surging2.(话多) keeping up a constant flow of words 短语和例子 滔滔雄辩 a torrent of eloquence
The stream has now become a torrent . 小溪继而又变成了滔滔的洪流。
The muddy water has a choppy and irregular surface . 泥水表面波浪滔滔且不规则。
The choppy waves made handling the boats a tricky operation that day . 那天在滔滔的波浪里驾驶小舟着实费了一番手脚。
The tide, which had been running so fiercely up the river, was sluggish as it turned . 那冲向河口的滔滔浪潮也在慢慢地退缩。
Floating i saw only the sky, and felt the drop and lift of the swells . 在漂浮的时候,我看到的只是天空,感到滔滔波浪的起伏。
The rhine flowed on, swirling and eddying, at six or seven miles an hour . 莱茵河不断以每小时六、七哩的速度,滔滔滚流,波涛起伏。
His fire, the tumultuous ring of his eloquence, seemed to go out of him . 他那番劝善的热心,他那滔滔的讲辞,都一齐停止,一齐消失了。
Presently a sea-smell reached the nostrils and the river, ever majestic, flowed into the sea . 不一会儿,一般海水的腥味钻进鼻孔,河水滔滔地汇入大海。
Amidst the foam and turmoil i saw the black thing on the wave hurrying right at me . 在滔滔的白浪和震耳的喧嚣声中,我看见波浪中那个黑色的东西正径直朝我飘来。
She ran giddily on, and with the lively gestures explained how she would alter the hangings, the seatseverything, in fact . 她就滔滔地说下去,还用轻快的手势来作解释,说如果是她,也就要怎样换那窗帘帷幔,怎样换那些座位说实话,无论什么都要换过。