Type is side three - way liuzi , type is face three - way liuzi , type is four - way liuzi 该系列阀按型号可分为侧三通溜子,正三通溜子,四通溜子。
Avoid bumping and the valve is in full close in order to avoid damage of disc and driving part 运输时应避免撞击三、四通溜子,应处于全闭位置以防在运输中分料板和传动部件损坏。
Examine the seal condition of rotate axle regularly . replace or add graphite stuffing if there is mistake 定期检查三、四通溜子转轴处的密封状况,如发现密封问题请更换或填加石墨填料。
Transmission device and part should be hung up when the valve is in horizontal in order to prevent damage of driving axle 当三、四通溜子水平放置运输时传动装置及传动部位应悬空,以防止传动轴受力过大导致变形损坏。
In the shadow of streets and lanes , the snow cover and ice were eroding under the pounding of raindrops , and the filthy sewage was flowing everywhere on the streets paved with flagstones 街巷背阴的地方,冬天残留的积雪和冰溜子正在雨点的敲击下蚀化,石板街上到处都漫流着肮脏的污水。
Please indicate the type , model , angle of the valve and technical parameter ( using temperature , working condition of equipment and characteristic of medium etc ) referring to the product sample when you place an order 选用订货时,请参照产品样本注明产品规格、型号、溜子角度、技术参数(使用温度、设备工况、介质性质等) 。