| 1. | My forehead was damp and my heart thumped heavily . 我的前额湿漉漉的,心头怦怦得直跳。 |
| 2. | She was wet, however . 然而,她已经湿漉漉了。 |
| 3. | The corners of his mouth drooped, his hands felt clammy . 他的嘴角紧闭,手掌心摸起来湿漉漉的。 |
| 4. | Eddy came on board soaked and dripping, and started to undress . 埃迪浑身湿漉漉地爬上船,然后把衣服扒下。 |
| 5. | He passed his hand across his forehead. it was dank with clammy sweat . 他用手抹抹前额,额上满是湿漉漉粘糊糊的汗珠。 |
| 6. | Lucy was dressed in ill-fitting manish clothes; her hair was wet; her face was dirty . 露西身穿一套不合身的男装,头发湿漉漉的,满脸泥垢。 |
| 7. | It had ceased to rain, but the earth was sodden, and the pools and rivulets were full . 雨已经停了,但是,地上湿漉漉的,池塘和小溪都涨满了水。 |
| 8. | Thoroughly drenched and chilled, the two adventurers returned to their position in the gorse . 两个冒险家浑身湿漉漉地打着寒噤,回到原先金雀花丛那里。 |
| 9. | Boys who felt the evening wind on their damp faces paused to enjoy the freshness of it and then found they were exhausted . 孩子们感到了习习晚风吹拂在湿漉漉的脸上,停下享受这股清凉,于是便发现自己已精疲力竭。 |
| 10. | They are early people, i'm glad to say, and his eyes seemed to muse over the proper fold for these damp sheep . 我很高兴地说,他们都是些早睡早起的人;他的眼光似乎默默在考虑这些湿漉漉的教徒应该在哪里过夜才合适。 |