Protection of thermo - and xero - labile materials during thermal drying 热力干燥中热湿不稳定物质质量的保护
Degradation of biomaterials and foods during thermal drying is caused mainly by their thermo - and xero - labile properties 摘要生物物料和食品在热力干燥过程中的质量退化主要是由其热湿不稳定特性导致的。
The magnitude of these variables increased approximately ten times . it helped the rapid releasing of instability energy . the interaction of high - level and low - level mesoscale system leads to the rainstorm . the vertical cross section analysis of potential temperature tells us that rainstorm take place in the warm - moist and instability area . usually locate in the very stiff moist isentropes and it can lead to the development of vortex 通过对相当位温的垂直剖面分析,可知两场暴雨的中低层都为暖湿不稳定区,暖湿不稳定区上部冷空气明显扩散,暴雨产生在暖湿对流不稳定区内,通常产生在_ e陡峭和密集区中, _ e陡峭和密集区有利于涡旋发展。