| 1. | Assistance to hong kong businessmen operating in mainland 协助在内地经营的港商 |
| 2. | Zero tariffs for hong kong products from 2004 港商可于明年第一季内申请产品零关税 |
| 3. | The arcade , cyberport receives design award 数码港商场thearcade夺国际设计大奖 |
| 4. | Investment environment in the chinese mainland 港商对中国内地投资环境的看法 |
| 5. | Assistance to hong kong businessmen investing in mainland 向在内地投资的港商提供协助 |
| 6. | Initiatives to help mainland investors launched Cepa助港商开拓内地美容市场 |
| 7. | Helping hong kong businessmen operating business in the mainland 协助在内地经营的港商 |
| 8. | Opportunities for hong kong in pan - prd tourism market 深圳因应cepa向港商开放更多服务业 |
| 9. | Guangzhou opens " green lane " for hong kong investors Cepa与港商在环渤海地区的发展新契机 |
| 10. | Medium - term prospects of hong kong exports 蜕变中的中东市场:港商的机遇 |