| 1. | It has an origin lost in the mists of antiquity . 由于年代久远,其渊源已无法考证。 |
| 2. | It evidences their native . 它说明他们的渊源。 |
| 3. | The heroes and heroines are of ancient and aristocratic lineage . 男女主人都是家世渊源的贵族。 |
| 4. | His family goes back to the time of queen elizabeth i . 他的家族渊源可回溯到伊丽莎白女王一世的时代。 |
| 5. | The marriage usages in which they originated have long since disappeared . 它所渊源的婚姻习俗很早以前即已废除了。 |
| 6. | A marriage was a tender relationship resulting from the overflow of feeling . 婚姻是一种温柔的关系,渊源于感情的洋溢。 |
| 7. | The excessive love of self is in reality the source to each man of all offences . 过份地爱自己,事实上是人一切过错的渊源。 |
| 8. | It is possible that the great majority of african and spanish jews are really of phoenician origin . 大多数的非洲和西班牙的犹太人可能确是腓尼基渊源。 |
| 9. | Modern radical economics grew from ricardo(and the labor theory of value)and found its canon on marx . 现代激进经济学渊源于李嘉图(与劳动价值论),并从马克思学说中获得武器。 |
| 10. | To try to understand the physical nature of an astronomical phenomenon, one must try to understand its parentage . 在试图了解一个天文现象的物理本质时,人们必然要力图弄清楚它的渊源。 |