aloof from politics and material pursuits; self-contained; pure and lofty 短语和例子 自鸣清高 profess to be above politics and worldly considerations; 做出清高超然的样子 hold oneself aloof
aloof清高: aloof from politics and material pursuits; self-contained; pure and lofty 短语和例子自鸣清高 profess to be above politics and worldly considerations; 做出清高超然的样子 hold oneself
自命清高: acting as if one is morally better than other people; have a holier-than-thou manner
自封为清高: pure and lofty but that is merely your own name for it
自鸣清高: profess to be above politics and worldly considerations; acting as if morally better than others; claim to be immaculate; imagine oneself to be superior to others
He took his pleasures in general singly . 他一向自命清高,孤芳自赏。
She admitted that she was very exclusive . 她承认自己清高。
I don't see anybody else who is not worldly . 我从来没有看到过一个真正清高的人。
He is too lofty to stoop to vulgar intrigue . 他的清高使他还不至于屈就卑俗的勾当。
Clara sat leaning on the table, holding aloof . 克拉拉倚着餐桌坐着,一副清高超然的样子。
That young lady had a standoff-don't-touch-me air . 那位年轻小姐有一种孤芳自赏、自鸣清高的气派。
She went on as companionable, as adaptable, as aloof and heart-whole as ever . 她还是像往常一样地人缘好,随和,清高,像往常一样心安理得。
How well, really, the callaghan girl had behaved, in spite of her stand-offishness at times, and how sound her suggestion had been . 那个卡拉汉姑娘虽然有时也显得冷淡清高,但她的举止却是多么好,她的主意是多么妙啊!
A report of heavy snow in 1765 in qing dynasty 乾隆三十年报雪奏折与清高宗咏雪御制诗
Or do you wear your poverty as a badge of specialness 还是你会用贫穷来凸显你的清高?