A specimen which is much thicker than the penetration depth decays exponentially . 一个比穿深透度厚得多的样品,按指数律衰减。
Traditional massage requires that manipulation should be permanent , forceful , even and soft so as to be deep and thorough 传统推拿学对手法动作技术要求持久、有力、均匀、柔和,从而达到深透的目的。
The navstar global positioning system is one poss essing great development capability and permeable capability which application a rea outstrips its original design requirements 全球定位系统是一个具有巨大发展潜力和深透能力的系统,它的应用范围已超出了其原来的设计要求。
Gwt : but if the irritated area is white and does not look deeper than the rest of the skin , and the hair has not turned white , the priest must put him in isolation for seven days 新译本:火斑若是在他的皮肉上发白,但没有深透皮肤的现象,上面的毛也没有变白,祭司就要把患者隔离七天。
This article tries to explore hu shi ' s educational thoughts and practice , and digests carefully the deep , rational and modern message conveyed from hu shi ' s thoughts of education , from the last century 本文试图在探索胡适的教育思想和实践的同时,细细品味胡适教育思想于上个世纪传达出来的深透、理性、现代的启迪。
Gwt : but if the priest examines the scabby disease and it does not look deeper than the rest of the skin and there is no black hair in it , the priest must put the person with the scabby disease in isolation for seven days 新译本:祭司察看癞痢的患处;如果看见没有深透皮肤的现象,那里也没有黑毛,祭司就要把那患癞痢的人隔离七天。
The so - called “ deepness and thoroughness ” means that manipulation must keep a certain direction of force in addition to the requirements above in order to achieve a deep effect on the affected part of the patient ' s body and create curative effect 所谓“深透” ,是指在上述要求的基础上,手法操作还必须掌握一定的用力方向,从而使作用力深入受术者体内直达病所,而发挥治疗作用。
It is expected that as long as more and more journalists rapidly revise their traditional ideas . try to create frequently and stick to learmns a nd improving , in depth reporting as a competitive product and an importan t arms is bound to be recognized in fierce competition of modern media 目前,我国各大报纸大都非常重视深度报道,见诸报端的各类深度报道大都具有背景丰富、内容翔实、分析深透的特点,随着我国深刻的社会变革和突飞猛进,新闻理应反映变革社会的各种扑朔迷离的社会现象和事物。
Since 1990s , economists have quoted the theory of internal cause of economy growth into the theory of financial developing , so that they can present thoroughly the interrelation between financial developing and economy growth , the concrete show of which on the region is the interrelation between the growth of regional financial and the development of regional economy 麦金农和萧的金融深化理论揭示了发展中国家金融发展的特殊性和阶段性。 90年代以来的经济学家将内生增长理论引进金融发展理论,对金融发展与经济增长之间的互生共长关系进行了深透的阐述。
The 1 , 000 , 000 ton dimethl ether project is making the project by the juye lu - lin mining industry corporation to be possible to grind the report , the project application report , the safety evaluation report , the environment appraisal report , the occupational disease appraise report , the earthquake , the disaster , the water resources proof , the conservation of water and soil , reports and ash dregs depth of field penetrability appraisal and so on 巨野县100万吨二甲醚项目由巨野鲁鳞矿业集团公司正在做项目可研报告、项目申请报告、安全评价报告、环境评价报告、职业病评价报告、地震、地灾、水资源论证、水土保持、灰渣场深透性评价等报告。