[ shēngēng ] [农业] deep ploughing; deep culture 短语和例子 深耕保墒 deep tillage to preserve soil moisture; 深耕密植 deep ploughing and close planting; 深耕细作 deep ploughing and intensive [careful] cultivation
Plough deeply in 30cm , and insolate in the sun to disinfect 深耕30厘米,翻晒日光消毒。
Effects of deep ploughing on development of wheat and water saving 深耕对小麦发育及节水效果影响的研究
5 ) market sales should be strengthened . market sales is a complete system 5 、加强市场营销,建立销售网络,深度分销,深耕市场。
Therefore , it is worth exploring lio - due from cultural and historical respects 在?堆地区,相对于文学的深耕?展,书法发展则显得十分沉寂。
Due to these factors , it takes even more courage and perseverance to overcome the many difficulties in order to help culture take root 有鉴于此,文化的深耕需要付出更大的勇气及毅力来克服种种困难。
Edit and publish a monthly publication for nantou reports to publicize county initiatives and , cultivate the arts culture environment and promote tourist attractions 编印南投报导月刊,广为宣传本县施政深耕艺文环境暨推介观光景点。
That the deepening and the widening , the planting and the pruning , the digging up and the covering up ? the gardening ? would never stop , could never stop , so long as i was there 只要我在,深耕、拓园、种植、剪枝、挖掘和填土,所有这些园艺活动就永远不会停止,也永远不能停止。
We pray again for all of us to be generous and willing to give toward god ' s work to make sure those who serve in the churches receive the doubled honor 我们祷告信徒都能愿意为神的圣工摆上,好让深耕建造的工程得以成就、让神的工人能得到足够供应,教会领受神加倍的恩典与赐福。
First , it needs a reasonable market sales strategy , namely market expanding strategy . second , it requires the enterprise to establish a strong sales net , train a professional sales team . third , it requires the enterprise to classify the market 首先要有合理的市场营销战略,即市场拓展战略;其次重视销售网络的建设,建立强大的营销队伍和网络;第三,要深度分销,深耕市场。