| 1. | Correspondents are fairly pouring in now . 新闻记者现在简直象潮水似地涌来。 |
| 2. | The current sets in towards the shore . 潮水向岸边涌来。 |
| 3. | Applicants flooded in . 申请者如潮水般涌来。 |
| 4. | Job applications from disabled workers poured in at a staggering rate . 残废工人求职申请书大批涌来。 |
| 5. | Job applications from disabled workers poured in at a staggering rate . 残废工人求职申请书大批涌来,数量惊人。 |
| 6. | The next wave would lift those objects up its steep concave slope . 跟着涌来的浪头又把这些物品举到了那高高的浪峰上。 |
| 7. | The next wave would lift those objects up to its steep concave slope . 跟着涌来的浪头又把这些物品举到了那高高的浪峰上。 |
| 8. | Her mind, assailed by visions, was in a state of extraordinary activity . 无数的幻想向她眼前涌来,她心乱如麻,不能安静。 |
| 9. | A great wave of compassion had swept away his indifference and impatience . 一股同情的巨浪涌来,把他的冷漠和急躁情绪一扫而光。 |