Li i ' m not used to this maritime climate yet 我到现在还不习惯这里的海洋性气候。
New zealand has a mild sea climate , 新西兰是温和的海洋性气候,北部是亚热带气候。
The southwestern coastal region has a humid mild marine climate 西南海岸地区有着潮湿温和的海洋性气候。
With unique local culture , beautiful natural landscape , mild oceanic climate and fast - developing modernization , xiamen attracts the attention of the world 她以独特的地域文化、秀丽的自然景观,四季如春的海洋性气候,日新月异的现代化进程,吸引着世界的目光。
Areas that are well protected from the ocean experience a more continental type of climate with warmer summers , colder winters , greater daily and seasonal tempe - rature ranges , and generally lower relative humidity 种植区域逐渐由海洋性气候变为大陆性气候,夏天炎热,冬季寒冷,每日和季节性的温差较大,并且湿度相对较低。
Location : the philippines consists of an archipelago located in the western pacific ocean to the east of southeast asia . there are 7107 islands . the principal islands are luzon and mindanao 自然地理:位于亚洲东南部。东临太平洋,西濒南中国海,共有大小岛屿7107个,其中吕宋岛、棉兰老岛和萨马岛等11个主要岛屿占全国总面积的96 。属热带海洋性气候,高温多雨。
According to main weather types , this paper determines the criterion for choosing typical month of meteorological model used in buildings energy efficiency , and founds the procedures of annual meteorological model in hot summer and warm winter zone 本文以深圳市为例,研究夏热冬暖地区建筑师用建筑能耗计算方法。深圳市地处东南沿海,属亚热带季风海洋性气候,是夏热冬暖地区的典型。
Subsequently , the principles established in that work which was conducted in the relatively mild coastal climate , were taken into the tableland areas , where at altitudes of about 1000 m or more , low temperatures in the winter limit pasture and forage crop growth 接着,这种在相对较温和的海洋性气候环境下进行的研究原理又被用于高原地区,那里海拔1000米或更高,冬季的低温限制牧场和饲料作物的生长。
Kaohsiung has a tropical marine climate and is indeed the " city of summer . " set between mountains and sea , its straight roads are lined with coconut groves , the green fronds breaking the bright sunlight into thousands of brilliant rays , while the ai river gently slips through the heart of the city 属于热带海洋性气候的高雄确实是座夏天的城市。她依山面海,笔直道路四通八达,夹道椰林列队,高耸绿叶在蓝天将明亮阳光分割成万道光芒,一弯爱河却温柔地滑过高雄的心。
Sichuan is one of the agricultural province , locates in the area between the continental climate and oceanic climate , the distribution of precipitation is always disproportional due to the influence of atmosphere circumfluence , the existence of drought and floodwater plus water pollution have produced huge menace to agriculture , water resources utilization , soil erosion and even the life and properties of human being 解决水资源的诸多问题,是摆在全党、全社会和全国人民面前一项刻不容缓的重大战略任务。四川作为贫水国的一个农业大省,由于地处海洋性气候与大陆性气候交接地带,受大气环流影响,降水时空分布不均,水旱灾害极为频繁,尤其是干旱对农业生产的威胁最大。