[ hǎishìshènlóu ] 1.(蜃景, 大气中由于光线的折射作用而形成的一种自然现象) mirage; a fantasied edifice; castle in spain; fata morgana sicily; flyaway; illusive castle in the air; image of towns and markets in mirage; loomings; unreal appearance 2.(比喻幻想) illusions or hopes that cannot be
This, of course, is a fond delusion . 这当然是一厢情愿的海市蜃楼。
Although the morning was young, the hazy mirage was up . 天色虽早,朦胧的海市蜃楼却已经出现。
He had melted off into the surface-shimmer of the desert, into the mirage . 他在沙漠里闪闪烁烁的热空气里熔化了,在海市蜃楼的幻景里消失了。
No other man could be the occasion of such delightful aerial building as she had been enjoying for the last six month . 六个月以来她所享受的欢乐只是海市蜃楼,已一去不复返,任何别的男子都不能代替它。
In spite of the plethora of resolutions and declarations of intent the goal of general and complete disarmament remains a mirage . 尽管有不计其数的决议和意向性的声明,而全面和彻底裁军这一目标仍然是海市蜃楼。
Oh , be cool about it . it ' s just a mirage 不要那么激动,只不过是海市蜃楼而已。
B : oh , be cool about it . it ' s just a mirage 不要那么激动,只不过是海市蜃楼而已。
In a mirage the desert will mimic a lake 在海市蜃楼中,沙漠有时会现出湖泊的形象。
B : oh , be cool about it . it is just a mirage 不要那么激动,只不过是海市蜃楼而已。