This was a sombre sacrifice in lonely waters . 这是在幽僻的海域内的一次凄惨的牺牲。
They maintain a very powerful fleet in oriental waters . 他们在远东海域保持着一支非常强大的舰队。
By far the greater part of the hydrosphere, of course, is the ocean basins . 海域无疑是水圈中的最大部分。
She had a hearty appetite and was a good sailor in all seas . 她胃口极好,也是一个能适应各种海域的出色水手。
The littoral zone of a sea is the part of the sea between high and low tide marks . 海的沿岸地带是高潮的测标和低潮的测标之间的海域。
In the hood as day was dawning the enemy was discerned seventeen miles to the northwest . 天色渐亮以后,在“胡德”号上可以判明敌舰正在西北十七哩的海域。
Although the sea around them was thought to be rich in oil and minerals, it was uneconomic to utilize them . 尽管人们认为它们周围的海域有丰富的石油和矿藏,但是开掘这些资源很不经济。
Grief took a quick glance at the empty blank of the chart, whistled his surprise, and sank back feebly in a chair . 格里菲朝海图上空旷的海域匆匆扫了一眼,惊惑地吹了声口哨,无力地瘫坐在椅子上。
All ships were now zigzagging as they moved south into waters infested by u-boats, and it was this which brought about the misfortune . 这时所有舰只在向南行驶到德国潜艇出没的海域时,都左右曲折地前进,而这也就是造成不幸的原因。