浪迹萍踪: drift [wander] about without any definite trace like running water or duckweed
萍踪浪迹: be a restless fellow like a drifting water plant; come and go without trace; floating about free as duckweed; have no fixed abode because of constant traveling
And then i explained to her how we were friends cinctured by years of embarrassment and travel and complicity . 接着,我向她解释,我们是老朋友,多年的甘苦与共,浪迹江湖和同谋关系,已经使我们的友谊牢不可破。
Ferrand's vagabond refinement had beguiled him into charity that should have been bestowed on hospitals, or any charitable work but foreign missions . 费朗德浪迹江湖的文雅风度,骗得了他的施舍,而这种施舍原来是应该捐助医院、或者外国教会以外的任何一种慈善事业的。
Acclaimed action director liu chia - liang makes a mind - boggling directorial debut in the spiritual boxer , which not only quickly established liu as a g . . 汪禹与师父江洋自称擅于神打而浪迹江湖,后江洋被捕,汪禹则遇正直少女林珍奇,引为知己,同闯江湖
Its ghostbusters meets george c . scott s the flim - flam man as a pseudo - ghost catcher , wittily portrayed by kung - fu comedienne wang yi , and catches more than he bargained for 汪禹与师父江洋自称擅于神打而浪迹江湖,后江洋被捕,汪禹则遇正直少女林珍奇,引为知己,同闯江湖