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English translation for "测谎器"

lie detector; polygraph; psychintegroameter; pathometer (测量人体电脉冲的)

Related Translations:
:  名词(谎话) lie; falsehood 短语和例子弥天大谎 monstrous [thundering, outrageous] lie; 撒谎 tell a lie [falsehood]
论说谎:  on lying
谎价:  overbid
谎供:  lie confession
谎百计:  the price of groud
小谎:  fibbery
测谎公司:  truth verification inc
测谎软件:  lie―detecting software
测谎测试:  polygraph test
测谎仪:  agilelie detectlie detectorlie-detectprevaricator
Example Sentences:
1.No , no , no , no , no . come on . he ' s a human lie detector
2.What happens to that lie detector of yours when it detects your own bullshit
3.Agile . liedetector under application of a polygraph , consisted of a chinese document
Agile . liedetector测谎器,内含汉化文件
4.In 2004 , the usa had embedded the voice lie detection system into visor design
5.Richard parton , president of v entertainment , says that love detector is just the tip of the iceberg for this technology
6.Concocting near - perfect lie detection may , nonetheless , be much easier than making a sophisticated thought reader ? and almost as dangerous to mental privacy
7.I felt the tug of the wires connecting me to the lie detector as i came out to the end of their slack , and i heard it crash to the floor behind us , bringing the table with it
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