涕: 名词1.(眼泪) tears 短语和例子痛哭流涕 shed bitter tears; cry one's heart out; 感激涕零 be moved to tears of gratitude2.(鼻涕) mucus of the nose; snivel 短语和例子流鼻涕 snivel3.[医学] (五液之一) nasal discharge
She wonders why he often suffers from a blocked or leaky nose and a cough 她想知道她儿子为什么会经常有鼻塞或流涕和咳嗽的症状。
How many people are angry and crying for their posts haven ' t shown up 有多少人由于写的张贴不能显示而关在房间里生整天的闷气甚至痛苦流涕。
The most common kind of allergic reaction is itchy , watery eyes and a blocked or watery nose 最常见的一种过敏反应是发痒,流泪和鼻塞流涕。
These may include frequent respiratory disease , such as pneumonia or excessively runny nose 这些包括时常发生的呼吸道疾病,如肺炎,过多流涕。
Like most people , you need to occasionally cry or laugh uncontrollably , to let your deepest feeling be expressed 你需要偶尔地大笑一场或痛苦流涕一番,从而能释放自己内心深处的情感。
1 she wonders why he often suffers from a blocked or leaky nose and a cough . along with these , he gets a temperature of thirty - eight and three - tenths degrees celsius 她想知道为什么她儿子总是患有鼻子堵塞流涕和咳嗽,同时体温还有38 . 3 。
For one out of five unlucky souls in the u . s . , there ' s no mistaking the red , swollen eyes , drippy nose , sore throat and angry , inflamed nasal passages 每五个不幸的美国人里面,就有一个家伙带有明显红肿的眼睛、不断流涕的鼻子、疼痛的喉咙,以及严重阻塞的鼻腔。
Indication : sudden nervous fright and irritability with incessant crying , common cold and flu , fever , cough with phlegm , stomach pain and flatulence , loss of appetite , constipation 主治:婴孩惊悸,睡卧惊跳,烦燥哭叫,伤风感冒,身热痰多,咳嗽流涕,胃气胀痛,不思饮食,肠热便秘。
Colds may occur throughout the year but are particularly common in winter and spring . they are mainly manifested as nasal obstruction and discharge , sneezing , coughing , headache , aversion to chill , fever and general malaise 感冒四季均可发生,冬春多见,主要表现为鼻塞流涕打喷嚏咳嗽头痛怕冷发热全身不适等徵状。
Leia had begun coughing and gurgling a bit and the moment they had dashed into the healers ( adding a few minor casualties on the way ) they had swept her out of his arms and into an examination room 莱娅开始有一点咳嗽、流涕,他们一冲进医院(一路上引发几起小小的伤亡事件) ,医疗者就把莱娅从阿纳金的怀里夺去,走进了一间检查室。