A brief discussion about trend and drawbacks of current newspaper layout 略论目前报纸版面设计改革的走向及流弊
Work keeps us from three great evils : boredom , vice , and need 工作使人类免除了三大流弊:生活乏味,胡作非为,一贫如洗。
Is not intended to disclose each and every accounting error or financial irregularity 并非旨在揭露会计上的每个错处或财政上的每个流弊。
Although there are laws designed to protect consumers , there is not a sufficient number of law enforcers to cover all the abuses of the marketplace 虽然有法律保护消费者,但是没有足够数量的执法者来处理市场的全部流弊。
Western medicine stresses the scientific method . it therefore excludes chinese medicine , which relies on bodily forces that - in the past - could not be scientifically measured . but today , in the face of cancer , aids , and other diseases , the limits to western medicine are apparent 西医讲求科学实证,固然破除了中医“医者,意也”过于唯心的流弊,但是当今人类面临癌症爱之病免疫等棘手疾病,却也发现西医的局限性。