洪钟大吕: a big bell; have a resonant voice; have a stentorian [sonorous] voice
Example Sentences:
When he talked of those enslaved, and the sorrows of slavery, his voice got like a big bell . 当他谈到被奴役的人,谈到悲惨的奴隶生活时,他的声音有如洪钟。
A large bell dating back to 1884 and a tablet restored in 1927 are kept inside the temple 水月宫内存放光绪十年( 1884年)的洪钟及1927年重修碑记。
A large woman with salt - and ? pepper hair , and twinkling brown eyes , mrs . jordan had a voice that boomeranged off the walls of her tiny classroom 她是个身材魁梧的女人,头发花白,一双棕色的眼睛炯炯有神,乔丹夫人有着洪钟般的嗓门,她那小教室似乎也被她的声音震得颤抖起来。
In the last three years , at the direction and care of my teachers , prof . huang hongzhong and prof . zhou zhongrong , i have overcome many difficult and finished the dissertation 三年来,作者在黄洪钟教授和周仲荣教授的悉心指导和关怀下,克服了诸多的困难,终于完成了本博士论文。