| 1. | Wales were trounced 5 - 0 by poland 威尔士队让波兰队以5比0打得一败涂地 |
| 2. | However , even a win for portugal would still see them trailing poland by a point 如果战胜对手,葡萄牙队将仅和波兰队相差1分。 |
| 3. | As expected , the polish playmaker will be hoping to impress on his home ground 人们期望这位波兰队中的核心人物能够在同德国的比赛中有上佳表现。 |
| 4. | 45 after sot it would be one of the stories of the world cup should poslish - born poldolski send poland crashing out 如果出生于波兰的波多尔斯基将波兰队送出了小组赛,那将是本届世界杯的看点之一。 |
| 5. | However , batosz bosacki drew the poles level eight minutes later and same player headed the winning goal in the 66th minute 下半场比赛,波兰队没有再给对手任何机会,并凭借博萨斯基的梅开二度锁定胜局。 |
| 6. | The back four answered their critics against poland and the feeling is they can do so again today 在与波兰队的比赛中,后防线的四名球员用自己的行动堵住了媒体的嘴巴,并且他们希望自己今天能有同样优异的表现。 |
| 7. | 40 after sot germany qualified for the second round with a game to spare thanks to oliver neuville ' s injury time goal against poland 凭借前锋奥利弗?诺伊维尔在伤停补时阶段的进球,德国队战胜波兰队,成功晋级下一阶段比赛。 |
| 8. | I do n ' t know how many good chances and half - chances we had . " poland had one chance and they scored , which was very harsh after a very good first half . 我们创造了无数的好机会或者半好机会,而波兰队整场比赛只有一次机会,但他们进球了” 。 |
| 9. | The final member of group a ' s quartet is ecuador , whose reliance on a solid defensive wall means they may prove to be a tough obstacle for their higher profile opponents in the opening phase 厄瓜多尔队对自己的防线很有信心,即便在首战中对阵实力高出一筹的波兰队,他们也不会示弱。 |
| 10. | Poland and germany , both in group a , are eager to play colombia because their style is similar to that of costa rica and ecuador , the other two teams in their group 据悉,同被分在a组的波兰队和德国队都希望与哥伦比亚队进行热身赛,因为哥队的战术风格与同在a组的哥斯达黎加队和厄瓜多尔队颇为相似。 |