| 1. | The functions of judge : an analysis based on legal sociology 基于法社会学的分析 |
| 2. | Concrete quot; folk law quot; - a law sociology review 法社会学视野中的民间法 |
| 3. | Reflection family violence in the perspective of sociology of law 家庭暴力的法社会学思考 |
| 4. | Teenagers ' crime and the countermeasure 现代化过程中犯罪的法社会学分析 |
| 5. | Analysis of sociology of law of procedural justice 一种法社会学的反思 |
| 6. | Making of law by judges in the field of vision of sociology of law 法社会学视野中的法官造法 |
| 7. | The image modeling of branded tv programs 迪尔凯姆的法社会学评述 |
| 8. | Procedural law in the process of action 对诉讼活动的法社会学审视 |
| 9. | Thought about farmers who lost their farms in the view of sociology of law 关于失地农民的法社会学思考 |
| 10. | Justice value of judicial adr and choice of its operation mode 非诉讼纠纷解决机制的法社会学和法理学分析 |