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English translation for "法柜奇兵"

indiana jones and the last crusade
indiana jones and the raiders of the lost ark
raiders of the lost ark

Related Translations:
奇兵:  an army suddenly appearing from nowhere; an ingenious military move
李柜:  li guoxu
废水柜:  waster water tank
文件柜:  document cabinetfile cabinetfiling cabinet noun
计量柜:  gauge cabinetmeasurement boxmeasuring tankmetering box
气压柜:  eupre tankpneupress tank
文具柜:  office cabinetstationery cabinet
油污柜:  oil drain tank
加热柜:  heating container
滤柜:  filter tank
Example Sentences:
1.Raiders of the lost ark
2.However , don ' t think that my trip was an action - packed adventure worthy of indiana jones , for it wasn ' t
3.Consider such titles as raiders of the lost ark and the other indiana jones movies , close encounters of the third kind , e . t . and jurassic park
细想一下《法柜奇兵》和《印第安纳琼斯》 、 《第三类接触》 、 《侏罗纪公园》这几部电影。
Similar Words:
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