| 1. | Channel and point-bar sands may be clean and well-sorted . 河道砂和河曲沙坝砂可以是干净的和分选良好的。 |
| 2. | These sandstones are interpreted as having originally been point bar deposits . 这些砂岩在成因上被解释为点沙坝沉积。 |
| 3. | Prograding bar-finger sand bodies are over-ridden by distributary channels as the shoreline retreats . 当海岸线后退时,向海推进的指状沙坝被分流河道所覆盖。 |
| 4. | Other islands that rise from offshore bars within a bay, or that from spits, commonly show the same shoreline characteristics . 海湾内由滨外沙坝形成的其它岛屿或沙嘴,通常显示同样的岸线特点。 |
| 5. | This complex is located near the intersection of northeast-trending littoral marine bars and a southeast-trending delta system . 该复合体位于北东走向的滨海沙坝与南东走向的三角洲体系交汇处附近。 |
| 6. | Technical renovation of high raise in yongshaba mine 用沙坝矿高溜井的技术改造 |
| 7. | Barrier bar - lagoon system 障壁沙坝 |
| 8. | People believe that one is for human use and the other is a passage for the gods 这两个沙坝在节日过后便又会被水淹没而消失。 |
| 9. | The sinusoidal sandbar topography includes five sinusoidal curves with same parameters 正弦沙坝地形为5个相同参数的正弦型曲线。 |
| 10. | Lithogeochemistry and lithogenetic epoch for shaba granulite in mianning , sichuan 四川冕宁沙坝麻粒岩的岩石地球化学性质及形成时代 |