| 1. | Heavy feet pounded on the platform of the blockhouse 沈重的脚步在堡垒平台上走动。 |
| 2. | The heavy box strained the rope to a breaking point 那只沈重的箱子几乎把绳子拉断。 |
| 3. | His defiance of the law cost him dearly 蔑视法律使他付出沈重的代价。 |
| 4. | He stumped back into the house 他拖著沈重的步子回到家里。 |
| 5. | For those who could not resist it , they had to pay their price for giving in . 对于未能抗拒诱惑者,他们便要付出沈重的代价。 |
| 6. | He ' s in his early 20s , throws gas and has already proven himself under the most stressful conditions possible 他只有20岁出头,他之前已经证明了在沈重的压力之下仍然可以表现出色。 |
| 7. | Such figures have major implications for individuals and the community in terms of physical and financial burden 从以上的数字可见,近视问题对个人以至社会将造成沈重的资源及经济负担。 |
| 8. | With respect to artistic composition , the formation of stones and rocks as the work s dominant presence fills virtually the entire area of the canvas frame 在绘画的构图方面,整个画面几乎占满了重重叠叠沈重的团块。 |
| 9. | Your programming is so strong and the pressure of society so intense that you are literally trapped into perceiving the world in this distorted kind of way 强有力的程式灌输和沈重的社会压力,使你罗网深陷,因而对世界产生扭曲的观感。 |
| 10. | He said that the expanded membership is to cope with the heavy workload of the board , to strengthen representation of the relevant fields such as engineering , architecture , environment , etc 他说,增加成员是为了要应付委员会沈重的工作,和增加有关的专业界别如工程、建筑和环境等的代表性。 |