Centurial photograph archives of zhengzhou , kaifeng and luoyang 定格在百年前的郑汴洛老照片
Talking about the painting - poem - sing among the scholars in the period of yuanyou 元?文人集团汴京题画诗唱和
On the images of bianjing 论汴京意象
Later , zhang became a painter for the imperial painting academy of the northern song dynasty 张择端是山东人,早年在汴京(今河南开封)学习绘画,后为北宋画院画师。
Capital chart depicts the northern song dynasty tomb sweeping festival in the busy streets of the city scene 图中描绘的是北宋都城汴京在清明时节的繁华热闹的景象。
Free for the following social groups : soldiers in kaifeng army , retired cadres and more than 70 - year old people , all them must be with related licenses 3 、对持有关证件的驻汴部队军人,离退休干部, 70岁以上的老年人等社会群体免费。
The new area of kaifeng named " bianxi " locates in jinming district , west to the city dike , east to zhongmu boundary , north to 310 national highway and south to lianluo highway 开封市汴西新区位于金明区腹地,东至护城大堤,西至中牟边界,南至310国道,北至连霍高速公路。
Map large - scale , structured and divided into three sections : the first was the outskirts of king painting , and the second is near the river , the city market is the third paragraph 全图规模宏大,结构严谨,大致分为三个段落:第一段是市郊景画,第二段是汴河,第三段是城内街市
In the suburban scene , farmers are working in the fields and wealthy people are returning from mourning . the street is crowded with people on horseback , wheel carts and sedan chairs 先是汴京郊外的景象。农民在田里耕作,有钱人扫墓归来。路上,驮队、挑夫、骑马坐轿的人物正匆匆进城。
Dynasty , history of ancient and modern china , revolutionary history of kaifeng , arts and crafts of the ming and qing dynasty , collection of relics , jewish diaspora in ancient china , and so on 二楼南展厅是《宋代历史陈列》 ,也是开封博物馆最具代表性的断代史陈列。开封是北宋旧都,外地来汴,以一睹宋都旧貌为快。