| 1. | This is the vegetational climate of arctic permafrost regions . 这是北极永冻地区的植物气候。 |
| 2. | After they had seized yung ping the reds sank two new oil wells . 红军占领永平后,开凿了两口新油井。 |
| 3. | The classification of vegetation seems an eternal problem . 植被分类好象一个永无答案、争论不休的问题。 |
| 4. | The wind and the water were carrying on their perpetual quarrel . 风和海水正进行着它们那永无休止的争吵。 |
| 5. | My lover had been at the gates of death, and at the very brink of eternity . 我的情人曾经走近死亡之门和永劫的边际。 |
| 6. | Water moves endlessly among sea, air and land in this circulation . 水永无休止地在海洋、空气和陆地之间这样循环运动。 |
| 7. | Nature has instilled in our minds an insatiable desire to see truth . 自然给我们心灵注入了永无休止的发现真理的欲望。 |
| 8. | From five o'clock to eight is on certain occasions a little eternity . 从五点到八点这段短短的时间,有时仿佛永无尽头似的。 |
| 9. | Hard water which can be softened by adding sodium carbonate is called permanent hard water . 经过加入碳酸钠能被软化的硬水,称为永硬水。 |
| 10. | The harder the material under the permafrost is, the larger the chamber charge required . 永冻层之下的土壤越硬,所需要的药室装药量也越大。 |