| 1. | You have held onto your build better . 你的身体保养得算是比较好的。 |
| 2. | She felt a bit more kindly to slote now . 她现在对斯鲁特比较好。 |
| 3. | It was judged better to set out at once . 认为立刻出发比较好。 |
| 4. | From the first he had the notion that liberal spending was better . 他一开始就认为花钱大方比较好。 |
| 5. | He would certainly have done more justice to simple and elegant prose . 他一定能比较好地读简单的,优美的诗句。 |
| 6. | A commander's salary was modest, and rhoda was used to this better life . 一个中校的薪水不多,而罗达是过惯比较好的生活的。 |
| 7. | Grain is a better food, nutritionally; it is also easier to store and transports . 谷物是一种营养比较好的食物,也比较容易贮藏和运输。 |
| 8. | All things considered, yossarian often preferred the hospital, even though it had its faults . 权衡得失,尤索林觉得呆在医院比较好,虽说医院也有医院的缺陷。 |
| 9. | If a greenhouse is extra tight, the airflow from the inlet side of the house to the exhaust fan will be relatively well confined . 如果温室很密闭,室内从进风面到排风扇的气流就比较好控制。 |
| 10. | Soames always attended the general meeting; it was considered better that he should do so, in case "anything should arise! " 开股东会索米斯总要到场;大家认为这样比较好,以防临时“出什么事情!” |