| 1. | He is so weak now that you cannot imagine that he was once the cock of the school 他如今很虚弱,你不能想像他曾经是比赛场上的英雄。 |
| 2. | When scott baird steps on the next week he will become the oldest winter olympian in the history of the games 下周,踏上冰壶比赛场的斯科特贝尔德将成为冬奥会历史上年纪最大的参赛选手。 |
| 3. | " i ' m enjoying my teammates , " he said . " we have great camaraderie . i ' m having a good time when we ' re out there . “我很喜欢我的队友, ”科比表示, “我们有很好的交情,在比赛场下我们也很开心。 ” |
| 4. | Our team captain reminded us that it ' s not over until the fat lady sings , and we went and fought our way back into the game 我们的队长提醒我们不到最后胜负难见分晓,于是我们回到比赛场上奋力一战。 |
| 5. | Spain had just hauled themselves level with the scots when floodlight failure prompted the clash to be called off after an hour 当比赛场的闪光灯开始照耀的时候,人们发现下半年亚的水平好像被降了一个档次 |
| 6. | " as the game went on our confidence grew and we had much better possession , but the chelsea players were just standing around . 比赛场上,我们更多的占据着主动,而切尔西球员则是站在那里不动阿杜批评道。 |
| 7. | The czech keeper has worn a specially - made protective helmet in training ? but it must be approved by fifa before it can be used in matches 捷克门将在训练中戴上了一个特制的防护头盔,但能否戴上比赛场还必须等到国际足联的认可。 |
| 8. | Sergio almiron against newcastle was at the heart of the game , guiding juventus ' midfield , setting the pace and showing constant improvement 阿尔米隆在队在对阵纽卡斯尔的比赛中坐镇尤文中场,控制着场上节奏,为尤文带来了不断的提高,是比赛场上的核心。 |
| 9. | It came to a head when ferguson informed his players during yesterday ' s pre - match meal that giuseppe rossi would make a full league debut in van nistelrooy ' s place 在弗格森宣布上述决定之后,打的前来比赛场的范尼立刻来到停车场开走了自己先前停在那里的汽车,径直回家。 |
| 10. | Will race food be provided ? the hainan discovery triathlon will provide unlimited quantities of bottled water for athletes as well as sports drinks and sports gels on the course 三亚传统国际铁人三项赛赛事中,大会将于比赛场内不停供应蒸馏水、运动饮料及补充能量之食品给选手。 |