| 1. | Older boys and girls require calcium in their diet four times each day 大点的孩子则需要每天四次的饮食中获取钙质。 |
| 2. | All the boys and girls require calcium in their diet four times each day 所以的男孩和女孩们需要每天四次的从食物中得到钙质。 |
| 3. | The suggested initial dose is 4 times daily , followed by a maintenance dose of 2 times daily 建议起始用量为每天四次,之后保养剂量为每天两次 |
| 4. | Again , he had some close calls where he probably faced death an average of four times a day 他说:做这种工作,不仅是遇到危险,而是平均每天四次面对死亡。 |
| 5. | They are emptied at a frequency commensurate with their usage , ranging from four to eight times a day 废屑箱的清倒次数视乎收集量而定,由每天四次至八次不等。 |
| 6. | They are emptied at a frequency commensurate with their usage , ranging from four to eight times a day 废屑箱的清倒次数视乎收集量而定,由每天四次至八次不等。 |
| 7. | They are emptied at a frequency ranging from four to eight times a day depending on the needs of the area 废屑箱的清倒次数视乎地区需要而定,由每天四次至八次不等。 |
| 8. | In the main commercial areas and tourist spots , streets are usually swept between four and eight times daily 在主要的商业区和旅游点,清扫街道的次数一般为每天四次至八次。 |
| 9. | Wash and wipe building entrances , door knobs handles with a 1 : 99 diluted household bleach solution at least four times a day 大堂入口范围及门柄把手,应以1 : 99稀释家用漂白水清洗及拭抹,最少每天四次。 |
| 10. | Wipe lift cars and escalators , particularly the call buttons and handrails with a 1 : 99 diluted household bleach solution at least four times a day 升降机内部及扶手电梯应以1 : 99稀释家用漂白水拭抹,最少每天四次,特别注意按钮及扶手。 |