Calling them “ on the whole , the most peculiar and aberrant of mammals , ” he inserted cetaceans arbitrarily among the other orders 他认为鲸豚整体而言,是最奇异、最歧出的哺乳类,并为?们单独设立了鲸目,与其他目并列于哺乳纲中,不特别交代?们的来历。
By making out this , we can not only decide the argumentation on how to read and interpret the title of " discussion on making all things equal " , but also clarify the annotation limit of the whole text of the essay , as well as avoid the contemporary annotation to prevent the difference on the objective aspect 明乎此,除了可以对齐物论这一篇题的读法、内涵,有一义理的决定之外,也能随之厘清齐物论全文的诠释分际,当然更可以避免吾人今日的诠释,出现向客观层面滑落的歧出。