| 1. | The contest between champions will soon begin . 武士间的较量即将开始。 |
| 2. | The sorcerer held the knight in thralldom . 那巫师置那武士于奴隶地位。 |
| 3. | Knights used to tilt on horseback . 武士们以前在马背上以矛刺击。 |
| 4. | In her arms the warrior finds repose . 在她的怀抱里,这位武士得到了安宁。 |
| 5. | The knight felt no fear in the midst of battle ... 那武士在战斗中毫不感到惧怕。 |
| 6. | "how can he?" the impetuous young warrior demanded . “他办得到吗?”烈性子的年轻武士说。 |
| 7. | Allah loves and honors the warrior; the thief he holds in contempt . 真主敬爱武士,鄙视强盗。 |
| 8. | Tomatoa, of course, had developed into a classical island warrior . 塔曼托阿长成标准的岛上武士。 |
| 9. | His thousand mailed knights upon their impatient horses followed him . 他那身披铠甲、骑在烈马上的一千名武士,跟在后面。 |
| 10. | The hundred knights were all men of choice behaviour and sobriety of manners . 那一百名武士都是品行端正,绝不胡作非为的。 |