To urge a country to liberalize or open its capital market too quickly or to request an overflow of capital in the country would only result in what we call “ more haste , less speed ” and would only undermine the economy of the country concerned 过快地要求一个国家开放资本市场,过分地扩大资本的流动性,往往欲速不达,很可能破坏这个国家的经济。
Advanced young person is average awareness is taller , give directions to be able to achieve a goal slightly when the work that does them ; junior youth is versed in feel embarrassed is done , breach should be chosen not only accurate , and need thresh works , act too hastily often desire fast do not amount to 先进青年一般觉悟较高,做他们的工作时稍加指点就可以达到目的;后进青年工作难做,突破口不仅要选准,而且需要反复做工作,操之过急往往欲速不达。