冠: 冠名词1.(帽子) hat 短语和例子免冠照片 bareheaded photo; 衣冠整齐 be neatly dressed2.(状似帽子或在顶上的东西) crown; corona 短语和例子花冠 corolla; 树冠 the crown of a tree; 牙冠 the crown of a tooth3.(鸟禽头上的一束羽毛或突起) crest; comb 短
训练: train; drill; manage; practice; breeding 短语和例子训练部队 train troops; 实战训练 exercises under battle conditions; 适应性训练 acclimatization training; 专业训练 professional training
欧冠: foto grazia neriliverpoor vs chelseamarcamedia