Their affection and pleasure in meeting was just enough to make a very creditable appearance . 相见时,他们的激动和喜悦足以构成一副令人欣羡的情景。
It ' s rich , enviable beauty in a box 这是一款可以制造美丽的华丽而又让人欣羡的盒子!
The disciples were carved in different postures ; some were seated , some were lying on the ground , some were listening attentively , and some were scratching their heads or bodies 图中,佛陀的弟子或坐或卧,有人专注谛听,有人搔头抓痒,那一幅轻松美好的图像,让他十分欣羡。
No one would assert that people ought not to put into their mode of life , and into the conduct of their concerns , any impress whatever of their own judgment , or of their individual character 没有一个人会主张,自己的生活模式,或自己所在欣羡的行为,不应该具有自己的判断或自己独特的个性。
People normally consider a luxury car to be a sign of prestige and high social status . however , to sister hsu , owner of such a car , the admiration of passersby is nothing but a form of psychological pressure . in her opinion , no matter how luxurious a car is , it is just a means of transportation 一般人总是认为拥有一部高贵名车,即是身份地位的表徵然而,对拥有豪华轿车的许师姊而言,路人欣羡的眼光无异是一种精神压力,她觉得再好的车,也不过是用以代步的交通工具而已。