| 1. | He was in too gracious a mood to pass her by unnoticed . 他正心情欢畅,所以不会走过她而不加注意的。 |
| 2. | The gentlemen were somewhat more sociable but not much so . 先生们多少随便了点儿,不过也并不十分欢畅。 |
| 3. | They were all cheerful, and many of them were merrily drinking . 她们大家全都兴致勃勃,有好些位还嘻笑欢畅。 |
| 4. | She was in a wonderful mood, telling pug her ideas for the wedding . 她心情非常欢畅,把她对这场婚礼的意见说给帕格听。 |
| 5. | This gaiety of countenance often gives them the advantage in the opinion of the hearers . 这种欢畅自得的神情往往使他们在听众的意见里先声夺人。 |
| 6. | They were utterly enjoyable playmates, and to think of them otherwise was a waste of energy . 她们是令他十分欢畅的游戏伴侣,倘若另有想法,那是浪费精力。 |
| 7. | There were wisecracks and anecdotes throughout, although the joviality was at times somewhat forced . 大家始终谈谈笑笑,虽然有时这种欢畅的场面未免有些矫揉造作。 |
| 8. | The two girls walked swiftly, gladly, because of the soft, subtle rush of morning that filled the wet haze . 潮湿的薄雾里充满了清晨柔和,沁人心脾的微微寒气,姐妹俩心情欢畅,脚步轻捷地走着。 |
| 9. | The little plane-tree outside, with the faintly flushed snow lining its boughs and artfully disposed along its trunk, stood in full sunlight . 室外的小梅树欢畅地沐浴在阳光下,泛起的淡红色的雪花镶嵌着它的树枝并巧妙地装点着树干。 |
| 10. | The stage of mental comfort to which they had arrived at this hour was one wherein their souls expanded beyond their skins, and spread their personalities warmly through the room . 他们那时所达到的欢畅阶段是:神游身外,脱却形骸,满眼生花,满室生春。 |