Is there an approximate date of bastion ' s release 有没有一个大致的时间可以透露关于棱堡何时放出?
Although , the bastion ' s grail is unlikely to become the most powerful among the other towns 尽管棱堡的圣杯不太可能成为最强大的圣杯。
The only remains are two semispherical fort fragments and part of the outer wall along the road in front of the fort 现存城墙数段及半圆形之棱堡残迹各一,其中以目前
The center of semispherical fort had a well . there is a small door with ladders at the north place . it s the entrance to the ammunition depot in the underground 上下两层富有雉堞,突出的棱堡附设有了望塔,棱堡作为炮塔之用,各有大炮五门。
However , after 300 years , only 3 walls remain of the once magnificent fort zeelandia . the southern wall of fort zeelandia is the biggest of the remains with a length of 65 . 8 metres 然而历经三百多年时空变化后,规模颇大的热兰遮城现今仅留城墙三段及半圆形的棱堡残迹一处。
This castle was designed into a square platform and was equipped cannons at the 4 corner bations . the central area was a practice place . there are moats at each side like a protection 经过历代的破坏或修复,目前可以辨认的有引桥、护城濠、城门、操练场、大炮、小炮棱堡、扶壁等。
2 other shorter sections hide deep in peoples houses . although from the end of ching dynasty to japanese occupation fort zeelandia s appearance has changed greatly , many people still believe that the original building foundation is still buried underneath the ground 另两段藏于民居中,一位于西殿后约11 . 5公尺长,为外城西南棱堡一部份;另在安北路153巷中长约38 . 7公尺,为外城北壁。