丛: Ⅰ动词(聚集) crowd together 短语和例子丛生 grow thicklyⅡ名词1.(生长在一起的草木) clump; thicket; grove 短语和例子草丛 a patch of grass; 树丛 a clump of trees; grove2.(泛指聚集在一起的人或物) crowd; collection 短语和例子论丛 a collection
棉: Ⅰ名词1.(草棉和木棉的统称) a general term for cotton and kapok2.(棉花) cotton 短语和例子原棉 raw cotton; 皮棉 ginned cotton; 籽棉 unginned cottonⅡ形容词(填棉絮的) cotton-padded; quilted 短语和例子棉大衣 cotton-padded overcoat