You are not allowed to go out , once you come in here 进入检录处后,是不允许随意出去的
Your attention please , athlete no . 234 , please come to the call room immediately 请注意,队的234号运动员请马上到检录处来
Women ' s discus throwers for the qualifying competition , attention please . it ' s time for roll calling 参加女子铁饼及格赛的运动员请注意,现在开始检录
The athletes of men ' s 4 400 , relay race round one two , attention please time for roll calling now 参加男子4乖100米接力预赛第二组的运动员请注意,现在开始检录
The athletes of men ' s 100m in decathlon get ready please . in five minutes , we ' ll begin to call the roll 参加男子十项之一100米比赛的运动员,请注意,还有5分钟进行检录
The pedal , lock , basket and back seat , ect which can lead to hurt must be removed , otherwise when checking they are removed and kept by the committee technician 脚撑、锁、篮筐、后座等可能导致伤害的非必要配件请再赛前自行拆卸,否则将在检录前的车辆安全检修时由组委会技师拆除保管。
Riders must submit their bicycles for an inspection at the sign - on post of every race . bicycles with poorly glued tyres , inadequate breaks or badly adjusted gears will not be allowde to start 运动员在比赛前必须将自行车送到检录处接受检查,凡车轮与车胎胶水未贴紧、刹车或变速器有问题的自行车均不得参加比赛。
The enroller can the competition in given enroll date and fill the blank when the blank the enroller can confirmed the number coat by the confirmed form date then take part in the competition after checking 比赛需在指定报名日期间通过填写报名表申请参加,报名表确认后获得报名确认资料,报名者凭报名确认资料在活动日领取号码服,检录后方可参加到比赛中。
The enroller can the competition in given enroll date and fill the blank when the blank the enroller can confirmed the number coat by the confirmed form date then take part in the competition after checking 比赛需在指定报名日期间通过填写报名表申请参加,报名表确认后获得报名确认资料,报名者凭报名确认数据在活动日领取号码服,检录后方可参加到比赛中。