English translation for "桩 "
Ⅰ名词 (桩子) pile; pole; stake 短语和例子 打桩 drive piles; set up row of stakes; 拴牛桩 a pole for tying up cattle Ⅱ量词 (用于事情) 短语和例子 一桩小事 a trifle; 一桩要案 an important case; 一桩生意 a business Related Translations:桩冠 : dowel crownpost crown, pivot
无缝钢管桩 : seamless steel pipe pile
拼接桩 : segmental pilespliced pile
Example Sentences: 1. One thing at least we can depend on . 我们至少有一桩 事可以十拿九稳。 2. "the stake is dead ahead," gil said . “标桩 就在正前方,”吉尔说。 3. The story soon spread through all the land . 这桩 事很快就传遍了全国。 4. This was a new aspect of the thing . 这可是这桩 事情的一种新的情况。 5. The marriage must be still more suitable . 那桩 婚事一定会更美满。 6. He had gone about the whole affair wrongly . 他这桩 事完全做错了。 7. In the present instance, you are quite astray . 这桩 事上你可完全搞错啦! 8. It 's not much fun being lost in the rain ... 在雨中迷路可不是一桩 趣事。 9. The marriage is absolutely stone dead . 这桩 婚姻是彻底完蛋了。 10. He, himself, was in charge of the matter . 他本人负责这桩 事。
Similar Words: "篆刻" English translation , "篆书" English translation , "篆体" English translation , "篆文" English translation , "篆字" English translation , "桩 ,蹶 ,标桩" English translation , "桩,标桩" English translation , "桩;打桩;垛" English translation , "桩;堆;大量" English translation , "桩;桩柱" English translation