| 1. | Csv is a popular file format for exchanging spreadsheets Csv是用来交换电子表格文件的常用格式。 |
| 2. | The worksheet is updated with the columns you have selected 电子表格文件随即用您选择的列进行更新。 |
| 3. | A grid file system is key to enabling grid storage services 网格文件系统( gfs )是启用网格存储服务的关键。 |
| 4. | Specifications for the requirements and architecture of grid file systems 网格文件系统的体系结构和需求的规范 |
| 5. | If you want to access your spreadsheet file later , save the file 如果希望以后能够访问该电子表格文件,请保存该文件。 |
| 6. | The work items in your spreadsheet file are added to your team foundation database 电子表格文件中的工作项即添加到team foundation数据库中。 |
| 7. | The ggf gfs - wg has defined models and design objectives for a grid file system directory service Ggf gfs - wg已经为网格文件系统目录服务定义了模块和设计目标。 |
| 8. | To enable grid storage , you need a grid file system , and the charter for the gfs - wg sums it up like this 为了启用网格存储,需要一个网格文件系统, gfs - wg宪章对其的总结如下: |
| 9. | If you have a grid file system , you also need a grid file system directory service resource namespace to manage a common namespace that spans established heterogeneous file systems and federated and virtualized data 如果有了网格文件系统,还需要一个网格文件系统目录服务(资源命名空间)来管理通用的命名空间,它涵盖了所建立的异构文件系统和联邦化、虚拟化的数据。 |
| 10. | For some , starting a new project plan means typing up task lists in a spreadsheet file , keeping a manila folder full of the names and qualifications of team members , and tacking up calendars on an office wall to track progress and workers ' schedules 对一些人来说,新建项目计划意味着:在电子表格文件中输入任务列表,在厚厚的文件夹中塞满工作组成员的姓名和资格证明,对着办公室墙上的日历涂涂画画,以及跟踪项目进度和工作者的日程安排。 |