| 1. | Each tape has a header block at the start of the reel, to allow the computer to pick out the correct reel . 每根磁带在磁带卷的开头都有标题区,以便于计算机能挑选出所需要的那一卷。 |
| 2. | That represents the title area of a standard tooltip ,它表示标准工具提示的标题区。 |
| 3. | That represents the title area of a balloon tooltip ,它表示气球状工具提示的标题区。 |
| 4. | Gets or sets a value indicating the foreground color of the title area of the calendar 获取或设置指示日历标题区的前景色的值。 |
| 5. | Gets or sets a value indicating the background color of the title area of the calendar 获取或设置指示日历标题区的背景色的值。 |
| 6. | Gets a visual style element that represents the title area of a standard tooltip 获取表示标准工具提示的标题区的视觉样式元素。 |
| 7. | Gets a visual style element that represents the title area of a balloon tooltip 获取表示气球状工具提示的标题区的视觉样式元素。 |
| 8. | Review various designs , such as logos and title blocks , and choose a style that suits your publication 您可以审阅各种设计方案,例如徽标和标题区,并选择与出版物相称的风格。 |